Reg. No:…..
First Year Post Basic B.Sc Nursing Supplementary Examinations
May 2014
Biochemistry and Biophysics
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 75
Answer all questions. Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Write section A and section B in separate answer books(32 pages).
Do not mix up questions from section A and section B.
QP CODE: 103011
Section A - Biochemistry
Marks: 37½
Essay: (10)
1. Explain how proteins are digested and absorbed from the body.
Short notes: (4x5=20)
2. Biological importance of lipids and their functions.
3. What are the precautions for handling specimens for enzyme estimation.
4. Genetic code
5. Name the organelles of the cell and mention its functions.
Answer briefly: (3x2 ½ =7 ½)
6. Hyperglycemia
7. Mention the normal level of fasting blood glucose, serum low density cholesterol, serum creatinine, serum bicarbonate and plasma protein level.
8. Essential fatty acids
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QP CODE: 104011
Section B- Biophysics
Marks: 37½
Essay: (10)
1. Describe the common electronic equipments used in patient care
Short notes: (4x5=20)
2. Explain refractory errors of eye with their treatment.
3. Define heat and explain the different mode of transfer of heat
4. MRI scan
5. Describe specific gravity and its application in nursing.
Answer briefly: (3x2½=7½)
6. Define arterial pressure. What is the normal arterial blood pressure in an adult human.
7. ECG
8. Describe five radioisotopes and its use in medicine
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